Sorbents for emission reduction

Sorbents made of natural minerals - zeolite. Used in many industrial and agricultural areas:

ZeoVit® - fodder preparation,
ZeoVit® Farm - farm animal hygiene,
ZeoVit® Terra - terrarium in cages and animal husbandry,
ZeoVit® Aqua - drinking, aquariums, swimming pools and sewage water for preparation and cleaning,
ZeoVit® Eco Agro - as a special soil substrates and improving plant growth and yield of stimulus product,
ZeoVit® Sorbent - waste water and sewage treatment technologies, sludge handling, heavy metals, gas, radioactive pollution and so on. assembly.

ZeoVit Terra Sorbent zeolite for emission reduction

ZeoVit Terra Sorbent (zeolite) for emission reduction

ZeoVit Zeolite Sorbent application areas and techniques

ZeoVit Zeolite Sorbent application areas and techniques

Sewage sludge management by ZeoVit sorbent-zeolite

Sewage sludge management by ZeoVit sorbent (zeolite)

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