Sewage sludge management by ZeoVit sorbent-zeolite

Sewage sludge management by ZeoVit sorbent (zeolite)
Field studies. In 2004, October - November.
  • Vilnius Waste Water Treatment Plant was carried out an experiment in which the dewatered sewage sludge was treated ZeoVit sorbents to determine the impact of the sorbent sludge contained in the general amoniakiniam, nitratiniam general and nitrogen, heavy metals, pH level, odor and moisture.
  • In the first section, placed on the control sludge, prepared in a standard manner. It has not been mixed with sorbent.
  • The second section was placed on a standard sludge, but its surface is approximately 4-6 cm apmulčiuotas sorbent layer. In the third section, the sludge is mixed with resin (0-3 mm pellets) ratio of 50 kg ZeoVit sorbent / 1 ton of sludge or 5% of the sorbent / 1m3 dewatered sludge and surface apmučiuotas 4-6 cm layer of sorbent.
  • The fourth section - the sludge is mixed with the resin in the aforementioned proportion.
  • ZeoVit Sorbent - made from naturally occurring crystalline aluminosilicate clinoptilolite structure.
  • It comprises a large number of pores and channels through which can effectively absorb and adsorb a variety of materials, smells and gases.
Studies have shown:
  • The laboratory and field test results show that the sorbent used for urban sewage sludge to reduce odor.
  • Sorbent ZeoVit mulching raw sludge, after 2 weeks of sorbent accumulates up to 54.4% of the total nitrogen and mulching excess sludge - even up to 80.7%.
  • The examination of raw and excess sludge mixture, the nitrogen level in a week distinctly reduces sludge mixed with resin and mulčiavus.
  • 2. Green and excess sludge mixture, sorbent mulch, accumulates on the surface of the nitrogen level is reduced from 100% to 7.8% ie almost thirteen times.
  • Mulch keeps ammonia and nitrogen evaporation and dispersion of air from the deeper layers of silt. In order to reduce the level of ammonia nitrogen in the sludge mass, advisable to mix the sludge with the sorbent.
  • While the sorbent mixing with sludge and mulching still gives the best results, but it requires the greatest amount of sorbent - 120-130 kg / t of sludge, but without enough mulch to 50 kg / t.
  • Depending on the how and where sludge is used, it is possible to apply all of the above methods of sludge treatment sorbent - mulching, mulching and mixing and blending only.
  • These studies showed that ZeoVit sorbent effectively absorbs nitrogen.
  • This confirms N total. the level of decrease in surface and giluminiuse sludge layers. In order to effect a rapid, sufficient sludge mulch ZeoVit sorbent.
  • Using a sufficient amount of sorbent or extra mulching every 2-3 weeks, you can smell the release of sludge on the surface down to the desired level.
  • Clarification of the sorbent ZeoVit, having direct contact with heavy metals in the sludge, is able to accumulate, thus reducing the amount of sludge.
  • It found that effective concentrations of heavy metals decreases when the sorbent is mixed with the sludge and mulched.
  • Effectively decreasing amounts of chromium and copper, and a significant decrease in nickel, cadmium, mercury and others. Metal mobile forms of concentration.
  • 5. ZeoVit sorbent hour and sludge moisture, particularly raw sludge, which after 4 weeks mulching is halved and the resuspended - up to 4.6 times.
  • ZeoVit sorbent effects of excess sludge humidity is lower. Excess sludge mulching sorbent, the humidity in 4 week fell 1.7 per cent, mixing - 1.1 times.
  • Using biotests found that the sorbent does not adversely affect seed germination and pedobionts activities.
  • Microbiological activity, the study showed that ZeoVit Sorbent directly or indirectly, be able to regulate over-bacterial ammonificators activities; fungal activity, and their species diversity ZeoVit Sorbent has no implication;
  • ZeoVit sorbent, especially mixed with sludge microfauna does not adversely affect the reproductive activity, while the latter has a significant effect on ammonification intensity regulation process.
  • Using ZeoVit sorbent sewage sludge, does not the technical obstacles.
  • Sorbent loading of the motor vehicle, discharge to a sewage treatment plant silage and mixing the drained sewage sludge treatments are technologically conform to these parameters and modes that determine the existing wastewater treatment plants, and requires no technical reconstruction or improvement.
  • When mixing the sludge and the resin with a ratio of 1 kg to 50 tonnes, or 5% of the sorbent 1m3 dewatered sludge, sorbent and dewatered sludge is mixed well and does not pose a disruption to traditional processing in which the treated sludge.
ZeoVit Terra Sorbent zeolite for emission reduction

ZeoVit Terra Sorbent (zeolite) for emission reduction

ZeoVit Zeolite Sorbent application areas and techniques

ZeoVit Zeolite Sorbent application areas and techniques