Workstation made of polyethylene, basic + optional module (500 l), color yellow or black.
Up to 4 barrels can be stored using the optional module.
Helps to organize building storage in the most efficient, effective and economical way.
Up to 200 l drums are stored containing hazardous and flammable liquids.
The workstation is made of very strong polyethylene, UV and chemical resistant - corrosion and non-corrosive.
The storage space of the structures is properly formed and prevents them from moving freely.
Horizontally holds 2 barrels.
The work space in front of the barrels allows for the convenient placement of two containers (buckets) and liquid dosing.
The truck is transported with a forklift truck.
The open interior space has a capacity of 500 liters, which allows to collect leakage inside the module, even if the contents of 1 or 2 barrels are completely spilled.
Due to the open design of the module, leaks and spills of hazardous fluids are easy to detect and handle.
Thanks to the yellow color, the station is always visible and the working environment is safer.