Avatherm boxes for medicines and medical supplies

Avatherm boxes for medicines and medical supplies for transport
  • This AVATHERM collection specially designed for the transport of medical supplies, blood and organs.
  • The optimum temperature of the insulation is achieved thanks to the much thicker walls.
  • These containers not only effective, they are also a great design.
  • Opens from the top;
  • Double-walled, the interior is filled with polyurethane, providing optimum insulation;
  • Made of PP / C;
  • Lost only 1 ° C within 36 hours at an ambient temperature of 20 ° C;
  • Temperature range: -40 ° C;
  • Meets all hygiene requirements and regulations;
  • Door with hinge lock;
  • On both sides of special arm rests, which makes it easy to carry;
  • Inside, there is a special section cooling batteries;
  • Integrated corners of L-shaped legs, which helps to reduce wear and tear;
  • There are all parts;
  • Silicone gasket provides additional insulation. It can be removed and cleaned;
  • Ergonomic design;
  • All medical thermal containers can be placed on top of each other, so you can carry more;
  • Washed in the dishwasher;
  • No smell and does not create undesirable taste;
  • User-friendly design makes it easy to clean;
  • Built-in address section, goods and others. to indicate;
  • The option to use the lock;
  • Recyclable, environmentally friendly materials that do not harm human health.
  • Features and colors available:
AVA 180
Avatherm boxes type and features
dimension, cm
dimension, cm
capacity, L
Avatherm 180 35 x 24 x 24 30 x 20 x 18 11 Propylene PP 2,2
Avatherm F10 26 x 31 x 30 11 x 16,5 x 19 3,5 Propylene PP 3,0
Avatherm F20 31 x 40 x 46 17 x 22,5 x 24,5 9,5 Propylene PP 4,0
Avatherm F25 45 x 44,5 x 45,5 28,5 x 26,5 x 27 20,0 Propylene PP 7,0
Avatherm F40 61 x 47 x 47 44,5 x 29,5 x 29,0 35 Propylene PP 10,0
Avatherm F55 61 x 47 x 58,5 44,5 x 29,5 x 40 50 Propylene PP 11,5
Blue Line heat-insulating foam boxes
Blue heat-insulating foam boxes. Capacity 10-30 L. Used at any temperature, the freight time up to 48h
Strong passive plastic containers from 48 to 150 L capacity
Strong passive plastic containers from 48 to 150 L capacity.
For multifunctional use. The cover is fitted gasket and locks.
Inside the container can be maintained at various temperatures, depending on the type of cooling elements.
Aluminum thermocontainer capacity 20-40 L
Aluminum thermocontainer. Capacity 20-40 l. For heavy transport sąlygoms. Aluminium coating provides maximum protection.
Thermo bags SilverBags capacity 3-30 l

Thermo bags SilverBags. Capacity 3-30 l

Thermo insulating foam boxes of medicines

Thermo insulating foam boxes of medicines

Vacuum thermal medicinal boxes and bags capacity from 16 to 160 L

Vacuum thermal medicinal boxes and bags capacity from 16 to 160 L

Styrene boxes for medicines

Styrene boxes for medicines. Capacity 10 to 50 L. The effective tool for short haul. Made from expanded foam styrene. Can be used once or several times.

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