Anular pipe steam oven model FTA for bread and baking
Anular pipe steam oven is the optimum realization of experience matured in time combined with state-of-the-art technological solution.
Constructed in the highest quality materials which guarantee sturdniness and elevated thermal elasticity adapted to the working temperature
We propose our oven in models with 2-3 and 4 overlaying chambers (see the enclosed tabel).
The baking chamber group is formed of a series of heat-radiating elements composed of high-pressure Dalmine 27X4 pipes (especially designed for bread ovens).
The first series of which has an even closer pich in order to reinforce the anterior heat of the oven.
The front firebox is able to function with any type of fuel (fuel oil, diesel, gas, gpl).
It is mande in refractary-inox Aisi 310/s for high temperature.
The structure is constructed entirely in Aisi 304 stainless steel.
Composed of the lateral columns, in which the hydraulic units, the vaporiser controls and the electrical pannel swicht.
The front hood is constructed with insulated air cavities to avoid the formation of condensate and complete with an exhaust fan for the removal of vapour during work.
The bed in stainless steel is complete with the front doors for access to the firebox, and the stam generators for an easy inspection and maintenance.
The baking doors are constructed in tempered plate glass, self-balanced, and easily detachable.
Steam-generators are of great thermal capacity and easy maintenance, and are housed beneath the bed, one for each baking chamber, and completely detachable for periodic cleaning.
The blowdown valves are constructed entirely in alluminium, are very strong type, and can be operated fr om the front in left or right side of the oven.
The illumination is located at the side of the baking chamber, and with the easily removable support.
The external walls are in pre-painted galvanized sheet iron, or stainless steel at request and are easily removable.
With the insulation is of high thermal insulation quality, and encloses the entire system.