8400FP Axion Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye face-wash

8400FP Axion Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye-face wash
  • shower and eye / face wash station from polished stainless steel;
  • the whole mounted on the platform;
  • frost resistant up to 240C;
  • plastic 267 mm shower head from ABS plastic with integrated 76L / min. flow control;
  • Axion stainless steel mesh head with integrated flow control, and dust covers;
  • stainless steel shower and eye-face wash valves;
  • platform bottom grille.
8300FP Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye face-wash

8300FP Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye face-wash

8317FP Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye face-wash

8317FP Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye face-wash

8319FP Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye face-wash

8319FP Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye-face wash

8327 Axion Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye face-wash

8327 Axion Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye-face wash

8330FP Axion Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye face-wash

8330FP Axion Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye-face wash

8365EWFP Axion Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye face-wash

8365EWFP Axion Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye-face wash

8300FPCRP Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye face-wash

8300FPCRP Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye-face wash

8317CTFPEX Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye face-wash

8317CTFPEX Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye-face wash

8319CTFPEX Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye face-wash

8319CTFPEX Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye-face wash

8327FPCRP Axion Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye face-wash

8327FPCRP Axion Frost resistant Emergency body shower with eye-face wash