75 L spill collection baths MINI without grid
20 L bath for chemicals spillage collection. Product code 121.130.600.
30 L bath chemicals for collecting spillage. Product code 121.130.602.
40 L bath chemicals for spillage collection. Product Code: 121.130.604.
60 L bath for collecting spillage of the chemicals. Product Code: 121.130.606.
100 L bath to collect spill off the chemicals. Product code: 121.130.608.
28 L baths without grids for collecting chemical spills. Product Code: 121.130.601.
39 L bath without grids for chemicals spill assembly. Product Code: 121.130.603.
60 L baths without grid, to collect chemical spill. Product Code: 121.130.605.
87L baths without grid, to collect chemical spill. Product Code: 121.130.607
143 L baths without grid, to collect chemical spill. Product Code: 121.130.609.
45 L spill collection baths MINI without grid. Product Code: 104.406.100.
87 L chemical spill collection baths MINI without truss. Product Code: 104.653.103.